ZAGREB, Apr 14 (Hina) - The World Victimological Society's
permanent representative to the UN, Zvonimir Separovic, today
forwarded the UN Secretary-General an open letter stressing that
"there was no racist feeling in Croatia directed against UN forces"
but there was "discrimination, on the part of the UN, against the
"Discrimination is for the Russian battalion to assist the
conquerors of Vukovar ... to leave the Bangladeshi battalion in
Bihac without weapons and food is grievous discrimination...
discrimination is to pay simbolical salaries to soldiers from non-
developed countries, while soldiers from developed countries are
making money," said Separovic, who doubles as the president of the
Croatian Victimological Society.
"Your reports and resolutions protect the conqueror and
neglect the victims," Separovic concluded.
(hina) mm as
141754 MET apr 95
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