OSIJEK, April 6 (Hina) - UNCRO spokeswoman Kirsten Haupt held a
press conference in Osijek today on the situation in the former UN
Sector East.
Last night rebel Serbs hijacked a UNCRO civilian police
vehicle travelling to Dalj, Haupt said.
On April 4, Serb soldiers held up a UNCRO civilian police
patrol and took them to Dalj. The UN personnel were released after
several hours, she said.
Haupt said that Serb and Croatian military and civilian police
were creating problems to UN peackeepers in conducting regular
Asked to comment on the arrival of Yugoslav army troops and
tanks in the Baranja region of eastern Croatia, Haupt said that she
had discussed the matter with UN Belgian Battalion officers and
that they had denied the incursion.
Haupt said she was sursprised that foreign newspapers were
writing about it because there was no confirmation that the
incursion had taken place.
Haupt described an incident at the Batina bridge over the
Danube river (border between Croatia and Serbia) when rebel Serbs
demanded that Belgian peacekeepers remove obstacles from the
bridge. The Belgians removed the obstacles but did not leave the
bridge as the Serbs had demanded, she added.
Commenting on the situation in the former UN Sector East after
the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 981, UNCRO civilian
affairs coordinator Phillipe Corwin said that people in the
occupied areas were very interested in details of the new UN
mandate for Croatia. Meanwhile, combat readiness was increasing and
there were no signs of demilitarization, he added.
Haupt said the UNCRO would continue to supervise the
observance of the 29 March 1994 ceasefire agreement, assist in
humanitarian efforts and attempt to provide protection of
(hina) jn vm
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