ZAGREB, Feb 2 (Hina) - The implementation of the 2 December 1994
economic agreement between the Croatian government and local Serb
authorities was progressing better than expected, UN spokesman
Michael Williams said in Zagreb today.
Williams added that both sides contributed to this progress
because the implementation would not be possible without mutual
cooperation. He expressed regret that it could not have been
achieved earlier.
UN spokesman Paul Risley told reporters that some 60 thousand
vehicles had used the Zagreb-Lipovac highway to travel through UN
Sector West since the road was reopened, without any major incident
Risley said equipment for the Obrovac hydroelectric power
plant had been tested and transported to its destination for
installation. The implementation of two of the six projects for the
restoration of water supplies inside UN-protected areas was
expected to begin in the next few weeks, he added.
The restoration of the high-voltage power transmission grid
through the zone of separation was under negotiation, Risley said.
Williams said representatives of Croatian Railways and local
Serbs had held a successful meeting in Novska on Wednesday to
discuss the resumption of railway traffic under the economic
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021842 MET feb 95
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