SPLIT, Jan 27 (Hina) - "We discussed all the aspects of the Dec 2
Economic Agreement," Croatian negotiator Krunoslav Olujic told
reporters upon landing at Split airport after talks with rebel
Serbs, held in Knin.
The Croatian delegation included Assistant Interior Minister
Josko Moric, Adriatic pipeline manager Ante Cicin-Sain and several
The Serb delegation was led by a Mile Bosnic, because Knin
self-appointed president Milan Babic excused himself on account of
"urgent business" and beat a hasty retreat.
The next meeting was scheduled for February 24 in Split, and a
joint expert group is to meet several times before that, Olujic
Today's talks focused on power and water supplies and the
recently opened section of the Zagreb-Lipovac highway.
The opening of the Zagreb-Knin-Split and Zagreb-Belgrade
railway lines was also mentioned but it will be discussed in detail
at the next meeting, Olujic said.
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