MOSTAR, Jan 29 (Hina) - Bosnia-Hezegovina's Roman Catholic Bishops'
Conference ended its first session in Mostar today.
Sarajevo Archbishop Cardinal Vinko Puljic, Banja Luka Bishop
Franjo Komarica and Mostar Bishop Ratko Peric decided that the
conference would be officially called the Bishops' Conference of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, a statement said.
Cardinal Puljic was elected president of the Bishops'
Conference while Bishop Komarica was elected vice president. The
spokesman for the Conference will be Pero Sudar, an assistant
bishop of the Sarajevo archdiocese.
Bishop Peric would be in charge of the areas coinciding with
the jurisdiction of the Bishops' Conference of Croatia.
The two-day session focused on the organization and programme
of the Bishops' Conference and the situation in Catholic dioceses.
The session particularly concentrated on how to alleviate the
plight of people affected by war and stop further expulsions and
violations of fundamental human and civil rights.
Bishops heard reports by directors of local Caritas
organizations and amended the Statute of the Sarajevo metropolitan
Caritas, which now became the Caritas of the Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bishops' Conference. Also discussed was the position of the
Sarajevo divinity college.
Special attention was paid to relations with other religious
communities at the level of dioceses and the Bishops' Conference.
Bishops reaffirmed their openness to ecumenical and inter-
confessional talks which could contribute to peace and tolerance in
the region, the statement said.
The session also included Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop
Francesco Monterisi and representatives from the Bishops'
Conference of Croatia, Split Archbishop Ante Juric and Dubrovnik
Bishop Zelimir Puljic. Also present was the retired Bishop of
Mostar, Pavao Zanic.
Greetings were read from Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal
Angelo Sodano, who relayed blessings from the Holy Father; the
president of the Bishops' Conference of Croatia, Cardinal Franjo
Kuharic; and Sarajevo Assistant Bishop Pero Sudar, who participated
on behalf of Cardinal Puljic in commemorations marking the 1,000
days of the Sarajevo siege.
(hina) mm vm
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