ZAGREB, Jan 31 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman today
received Carnegie Peace Foundation Director, ambassador Morton
Abramowitz, a statement from the President's office said.
President Tudjman and Ambassador Abramowitz discussed
Croatia's decision to end the UNPROFOR current mandate and, in
this respect, possible solutions of the crisis in Croatia and in
Tudjman spoke of the development of the crisis and global
relations. He outlined Croatian politics and spoke of the process
of normalizing the Croatian-Serbian relations and the peace
process in Croatia.
Tudjman also spoke about Croatia's support to the Federation
of Bosnia-Herzegovina and its confederation with Croatia. He
pointed out the idea that the international conference of big
powers could impose peace in Bosnia.
In this connection Tudjman recalled the example of the
Berlin Congress.
The meeting was attended by Croatian President's Foreign
Affairs Advisor, Zeljko Matic, and the President's Cabinet Chief
Gordan Radin, according to the statement.
(hina) rv mms
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