ZAGREB, Jan 27 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman today
gave a reception for sports people, including the presidents of 52
sports clubs, representatives of the clubs who had won the state
championship and the cup, the Croatian Olympic Committee and sports
President Tudjman told those present that sports people were
'worthy ambassadors of the independent and democratic Croatia'
emphasising that he had not met a single foreign statesman who had
failed to mention the successes achieved in Croatian sport. The
Croatian athletes have been shown all the qualities that ensured
Croatia's survival and contributed to developing relations with the
international sporting community.
"It is understood that the young Croatian state still lives
under exceptional circumstances, that we're still under war
conditions, but, we have nevertheless managed to enter the world
community of free peoples and independent countries," he said.
"I hope that we will soon finish the work of liberating the
occupied Croatian territories, and then we will be able to devote
all our means and energies to the economic and cultural rebuilding
of our country,"
Zoran Primorac, the table-tennis player who was last year's
sportsman of the year, thanked President Tudjman for the nice
President Tudjman held informal talks with his guests, who
included the president of the Croatian Olympic Committee, Antun
Vrdoljak, Education and Sports Minister, Ljilja Vokic and deputy
Sports Minister, Mirko Novosel.
Also present at the reception were chief-of-staff of the
President's Office, Hrvoje Sarinic, presidential adviser, Branimir
Jaksic, the President's adviser on domestic issues, Ivic Pasalic,
the President's adviser on the economy, Duro Njavro, adviser and
the President's assistant for confederal relations with the
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosiljko Misetic, head of the
President's Military Cabinet, General Zvonimir Cervenko and others.
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