SARAJEVO, Jan 28 (Hina) - About 300 mayors of Sarajevo's sister
cities went to Sarajevo yesterday to pay homage to Sarajevans who
had resisted the Serb aggression and defended their city during a
1000-day siege.
The mayors visited the Kosevo hospital and laid wreaths the
Lion Cemetery where innocent war victims of all nationalities are
Some of the guests visited the Sokolje neighbourhood, situated
right on the frontline. Rijeka Mayor Slavko Linic said he was
shocked by the wreckage but full of admiration for the strength of
the Sarajevans' resistance.
Prayers for peace were held in all Catholic and Orthodox
churches, mosques and synagogues.
Yesterday was the 1000th day since the former Yugoslav Army
and Serb irregulars attacked Sarajevo on May 2, 1992.
Downtown Sarajevo was hit by several dozen heavy artillery
shells and President Izetbegovic was held prisoner by JNA Gen.
Kukanjac. JNA troops seized Izetbegovic at the airport as he
returned from Lisbon, where he had gone at the insistence of Lord
Serb tanks tried to cut the city in two and surround the
Presidency building, but were stopped at several hundred yards from
the Presidency and Government seats by a few poorly armed
(hina) jn as
281055 MET jan 95
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