ZAGREB, Jan 27 (Hina) - Croatian Defence Minister, Gojko Susak,
today took the stand in civil proceedings against human rights
campaigner, Ivan Zvonimir Cicak.
The matter of contention is an allegedly libellous interview
given by Cicak to the Rijeka-based daily 'Novi List' last May
which appeared under the headline "Ministry of Defence - A Crime
Susak's testimony emphasised his feeling slandered both "as a
minister and private citizen."
Most of the cross-examination, conducted by Cicak's pair of
counsel with occasional help from himself, centered on the
ministry's management of the housing estates it took over from
former Yugoslav army.
Susak insisted that the Ministry made a point of setting up an
ad-hoc investigative commission every time any hint of irregularity
cropped up in the press.
"If there had been any irregularities in the work of the
Housing Commission, then (commission chairman) Branko Primuzak
would never have left to take another job," Susak said.
Asked about the eligibility criteria for lessees of the
ministry's office space, Susak said the ministry always published
an invitation to prospective bidders.
"But of course, the War Invalids' Association has preferential
treatment," Susak said.
In the specific case of 'Netel Co.' owned by Nevenka Tudjman,
there had been no public invitation, but then, Ms. Tudjman had
offered a very competitive price.
"At that price we'd let even you lease our office space
tomorrow," Susak told Cicak. But the price was not disclosed in
Asked about unlawful evictions and break-ins perpetrated by
uniformed men, Susak said more than 400,000 people had been in the
Croatian army, and so it was not so unusual that some of them might
break the law.
"It is true that some citizens have complained against
uniformed men breaking into their homes. Every complaint has
received our full attention, which has resulted in 300 disciplinary
proceedings against Croatian army soldiers," Susak said.
The counsel for the defence proposed to call several
witnesses, but the plea was rejected.
Judge Zunder ordered the Ministry to submit a report on the
management of the housing estates.
The court-room was packed with Croatian Helsinki Committee
activists, reporters and the curious.
The trial is to continue.
(hina) jn as sd
271832 MET jan 95
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