ZAGREB, Jan 26 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament House of
Representatives today continued discussion on a report on ending
the UNPROFOR mandate in Croatia, which was submitted yesterday by
Foreign Minister Mate Granic.
During the morning's debate, deputies supported the decision
but some criticized the report for failing to present a clear
strategy and actions that would follow the decision.
In the afternoon's continuation of the session, chairman
Vladimir Seks said deputies could take a vote of confidence in
Transport Minister Ivica Mudrinic because there was a quorum.
The vote of confidence in the Transport Minister was proposed
by a group of Opposition deputies last year. The proposal was
debated at a December session but no vote was taken because of lack
of a quorum.
The House rejected a proposal for a vote of confidence in
Minister Mudrinic with 44 votes against, 18 in favour and nine
Several Opposition deputies protested against this item being
put on the agenda in the middle of debate on UNPROFOR.
Discussion on Minister Granic's report continued.
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