SLAVONSKI BROD, Jan 25 (Hina) - Slavonski Brod Police Department
deputy chief Pavo Kesic and Slavonski Brod County prefect Jozo
Meter yesterday criticized the UNPROFOR Civil Police supervising
traffic on the Zagreb-Lipovac highway in UN Sector West.
Speaking to a press conference, Kesic said that under the
pretext of controlling the traffic, groups of armed Serbs yesterday
stopped several cars and trucks entering UN Sector West.
The vehicles were held up on a stretch of the highway under
UNPROFOR control, Kesic stressed.
Rebel Serbs seized 20 litres of fuel from a truck driver while
car drivers were compelled to give them tins of juice, cigarettes
and newpapers, Kesic said.
He added that a Serb armoured carrier with armed men had been
spotted outside the fence along the highway.
Kesic expressed concern that such incidents had happened in
the presence of UN personnel.
Meter accused the UN Civil Police of fraternizing with local
Serbs because they helped in organizing celebrations and parties.
It had been agreed that UN personnel would be accommodated in
the police compound in Slobodnica, a village near Slavonski Brod,
but instead they chose to be billeted on local Serbs in the
villages of Trnjani and Garcin, Meter protested.
He called on the Croatian government and UNPROFOR to urgently
solve these problems.
(hina) mm vm
251142 MET jan 95
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