ZAGREB, Jan 24 (Hina) - Rebel Serb police stopped cars using the
Zagreb-Lipovac highway through UNPA West on Monday, without any
authority, UN spokesman, Paul Risley, said in Zagreb.
The Knin Serb authorities explained that only Serb cars from
the UNPA were stopped in order to check if fuel was being smuggled,
Risley said.
But he added that UNPROFOR civil police confirmed that they
had stopped 'a number of cars' from free Croatian territory. After
a warning from the UN civil police there were no further incidents
and Serb policemen withdrew to a hundred yards from the road.
Risley stressed that even though the car-stopping was not a
serious incident, it did nonetheless, violate the Economic
Agreement, under which the Zagreb-Lipovac highway was opened to
In the past 24 hours 1,899 vehicles had used the highway
through UNPA West, Risley said.
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