ZAGREB, Jan 23 (Hina) - Some 50,000 displaced people had returned
to their destroyed neighbourhoods close to the disengagement lines
near occupied territories in the past two years, a round table
discussion on the return of displaced people and the post-war
reconstruction heard today in Zagreb.
The round table, organized by the Croatian Government Office
for Refugees and Displace People, was attended by government
officials, representatives of international humanitarian
organisations, officials from regional refugee offices and members
of the Association of Displace People in Croatia.
Croatian deputy prime minister, Ivica Kostovic, welcomed round
table participants, and among other things, repeated that the
return of displaced people to their homes was a priority task for
The head of the Government Office for Refugees and Displaced
People, Adalbert Rebic, said that during the war some 160,000
houses or flats (11 per cent of the housing fund) were destroyed.
The main problem in returning displaced people to their home
was financing the repairs on the damaged and destroyed homes, Rebic
emphasized adding that around 263 million kuna (76.7 million DEM)
were granted for the reconstruction through the Office for
(hina) jn sd mms
232049 MET jan 95
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