TRAVNIK, Jan 15 (Hina) - The exchange of war prisoners between the
Bosniac (Moslem) and Serb sides on Sunday took place at Turbe near
Travnik, central Bosnia.
The exchange of POWs was carried out in line with a January 11
document signed in Sarajevo by commanders of the Bosnian Army, the
Croatian Defence Council (HVO) and Bosnian Serb forces.
The Serb forces today set free eleven prisoners, while the
Bosnian Army freed nine, the head of Bosnian Army's Seventh Corps
commission for the exchange of war prisoners, Samir Sefer, said.
There were five soldiers of the Bosnian Army's Fifth Corps and
six civilians among the eleven prisoners released by the Serb side.
The civilians had been abused in their two-and-half year
imprisonment. They had been forced to dig trenches for the Serb
positions in Bosnia, Sefer said.
The Bosniac side freed nine war prisoners, several of whom
Bosnian Serb officers.
The released civilians today said that several Bosniac
(Moslem) intellectuals had been detained in the Serb prison in
Banja Luka for more than two and half years. The intellectuals were
accused by the Serbs of being spies against the self-styled Serb
Another exchange of war prisoners was scheduled for next days,
Sefer added.
(hina) mms
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