ZAGREB, Dec 9 (Hina) - The editor-in-chief of the Zagreb local
radio station Radio 101, Zrinka Vrabec-Mojzes, said on Monday that
the Radio 101 did not re-broadcast the programme of the Voice of
America, but that it had been given special permission to choose
some parts from the programme in the Croatian language of the Voice
of America to relay it again.
At a news conference held by the radio station in Zagreb
following the Saturday's assertions about Radio 101 expressed at
the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) Head Committee session, Vrabec-
Mojzes said that the Voice of America had lent to the Radio 101
digital equipment for receiving signals of the American radio, and
that the Radio 101 had to give it back as soon as it ceased re-
broadcasting the parts of the Voice of America programme.
She rejected claims that the radio station had received
financial assistance from abroad and stressed that the radio
station had been only financed by selling advertising time.
Radio 101 representatives said that they did the same as the
other media in Croatia that relayed broadcasts of the Voice of
America or other foreign media.
Vrabec-Mojzes added that the Radio 101 was "anticipating
repression" in the further period.
(hina) jn mš
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