ZAGREB, Nov 20 (Hina) - The Croatian Telecommunications Council on
Wednesday granted a frequency licence to Radio Globus 101, which
was also sought by two more radio stations, Radio 101 and
Zagrebacki Krugoval.
Radio 101 editor in chief Zrinka Vrabec-Mojzes told a news
conference, which Radio 101 broadcast live, that the Council
decision "is not professional but political." She announced that
Radio 101 would fight against the decision with all legal means.
Radio 101 has received messages of support from numerous
citizens, journalists and political parties and trade unions.
The president of the city committee of the ruling Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) party, Zlatko Canjuga, told Radio 101 that
the presidency of the HDZ city committee had concluded this summer
that there were no political obstacles preventing Radio 101 from
being granted a licence.
"It's not good or advisable to disturb citizens at this
moment as some opposition leaders are doing," Canjuga warned. He
stressed that problems related to this licence should be rosolved
by agreement.
Nino Pavic, director of "Europa Press Holding", one of the
owners of Radio Globus 101, said that he would renounce the
licence, Radio 101 reported in the evening.
"Reporters Sans Frontieres" on Wednesday protested against
the Telecommunications Council's decision, demanding that
everything be done to make it possible for Radio 101 to continue
its work freely.
The US administration described the decision as "a
signficant setback for democratization and free expression in
"Unless the Government of Croatia acts quickly to assign
Radio 101 another comparable frequency, this decision (...) will
mean the loss of a principal voice of independent news and
opposition viewpoints in Croatia," the State Department said in a
"This issue will have a high priority on our bilateral
agenda with Croatia," it said.
(hina) as vm mm
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