ZAGREB, Nov 22 (Hina) - An ad-hoc forum for defence of the freedom
of expression concluded at its first session on Friday that Radio
101 should be granted a frequency licence and that the Croatian
Parliament should relieve members of the Telecommunications Council
of their duties.
The forum argued that the members of the Telecommunications
Council should be dismissed "over their disgraceful decision not to
award a concession to Radio 101, which did enormous damage to the
reputation of the Republic of Croatia."
The forum was set up two days ago on the initiative of the
Zagreb Students' Federation after the radio had been denied a
frequency concession.
The aim of the forum, representing non-governmental
organizations, professional associations, trade unions,
institutions, political parties and individuals, is to defend the
freedom of the media and democratic and civil rights.
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222100 MET nov 96
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