ZAGREB, Nov 21 (Hina) - The Croatian Defence Ministry issued a
statement on Thursday denying allegations by a member of the
Parliament, Mato Arlovic, who said that certain Croatian Army units
had taken the side of Radio 101.
Arlovic gave such statements at a round table on the law on
associations, and Thursday's issue of the Rijeka-based Novi List
daily quoted him as saying that:" We hear that entire units of the
Croatian Army have taken the side of Radio 101, for example the
first guards brigade known as the Zagreb 'Tigers'. There is also
information that some army officers have renounced their services
and decorations they have been awarded in protest (at the Radio 101
"To entangle the Croatian Army in everyday political needs and
interests of some political parties is extremely inappropriate and
harmful," the Ministry said adding that none of active units of the
Croatian Army had given any statement on the case of Radio 101.
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