MOSTAR, Nov 22 (Hina) - The European Union special envoy to Mostar,
Martin Garrod, has requested of Bosnian Federation President
Kresimir Zubak and Vice-President Ejup Ganic assistance in
resolving difficulties that have arisen in connection with the
reconstruction of Mostar hydro-electric power plants on the Neretva
The reconstruction of the Neretva power plants was not only a
power supply problem but a political problem which ought to be
resolved by an agreement at the highest Federal level, Garrod told
a Mostar news conference on Friday.
He recalled that Croat-Moslem negotiations on these plants had
failed last year because the Moslem side had rejected a US$ 12
million offer for their reconstruction.
The Moslem side complained that Western Mostar police would
every so often storm one of the plants.
But Alva Emerson with the International Police said on Friday
that the Croat special police squad in western Mostar had stopped
wearing special police uniforms and was no longer acting in that
The International Police forces closely cooperated with that
squad to assist its integration into the local police.
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