SARAJEVO, Nov 21 (Hina) - International peace coordinator Carl
Bildt said in Sarajevo on Thursday that the next year would be
crucial for consolidation of lasting peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Speaking at a news conference marking the first anniversary of
the signing of the Dayton peace agreement, Bildt stressed the need
to establish joint institutions as soon as possible and to start
the process of comprehensive economic reforms.
These two processes were mutually linked and the international
community would not provide financial assistance until joint
institutions of power were established, Bildt warned. He announced
that a new donors' conference would be held in Brussels early next
Bildt called on the members of the Bosnian Presidency to
harmonize their views on establishing a Council of Ministers.
He said that the return of refugees depended on the creation
of political conditions.
Bildt rejected the possibility of international military
forces taking care of security conditions to enable the return,
stressing that responsibility for that lay with political leaders
of the country.
Bosnia-Herzegovina is not and should not be an international
protectorate, he said.
(hina) vm jn
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