SARAJEVO, 8 Nov (Hina) - The Bosnian Presidency members Kresimir
Zubak, Alija Izetbegovic and Momcilo Krajisnik agreed at today's
session in Sarajevo on general powers of the Presidency's Council
of Ministers. However, the three officials did not manage to reach
agreement on the Council's organization.
Zubak's representative in a working group in charge of the
establishment of the Council of Ministers, Martin Raguz, told
reporters after the meeting that President Izetbegovic had accepted
a proposal that the Council should have five ministers and a
'The proposal was formerly being advocated both by the Croat
side and the high representative Carl Bildt', Raguz said.
The Serb side, however, still insists that the Council must be
established in accordance with regulations provided for in the
Dayton peace agreement. The Dayton agreement tentatively envisaged
a chairman and two ministers, Raguz said.
An official statement, issued after the session, said that the
Serb representative Krajisnik had demanded that the Council of
Ministers should have a chairman and ministers of foreign affairs
and foreign trade.
According to a proposal by the Bildt's office, the Council
should have a chairman and five members - ministers of foreign
affairs, foreign trade, budget, civil affairs and international and
inter-entity communications.
Krajisnik's refusal to accept the proposal which had
previously been agreed upon by the other two members of the
Presidency was 'bad news', Izetbegovic's advisor Mirza Hajric said.
Hajric also told reporters that the talks on the Council of
Ministers could now enter a crisis.
He also announced that the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
John Kornblum should visit Sarajevo this weekend in order to boost
the process of reaching agreement on the functioning of joint
bodies of authority.
(hina) rm jn
081655 MET nov 96
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