JAJCE, Oct 24 (Hina) - Over 50 powerful explosions were heard in
the Serb-controlled Prijedor area of northwestern Bosnia at 3.00
hours on Thursday, the NATO-led peace Implementation Force (IFOR)
A spokesman for IFOR Division South-West, Paul Brook, said
that an IFOR investigation had shown that about 40 houses that
remained in the abandoned Moslem village of Brisevo, one
kilometre south of Prijedor, had been blown up.
The explosions were so powerful that Prijedor residents
thought their town was being attacked by artillery, Brook said.
He linked the blasts to last week's explosions in the Vrbanja
river valley.
IFOR investigators would use all means at their disposal to
find out who was responsible for the systematic destruction of
Moslem villages in this part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brook said.
(hina) vm
241855 MET oct 96
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