THE HAGUE, Oct 15 (Hina) - A bench of three Appeals Chamber's
Judges, within the International War Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia (ICTY), rejected on Monday 14 October 1996 the
application by the Prosecutor for leave to appeal against the
Decision of Trial Chamber I dated 2 October 1996.
This decision ordered, inter alia, the disclosure to General
Blaskic's Defence of the full text of all Prosecutor's witnesses
statements, the ICTY reported on Tuesday.
On October 8, the Prosecutor filed an application for leave to
appeal under Rule 72 (B)(ii) of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence, referring to the protection of witnesses and victims.
The bench of three Appeals Chamber's Judges, presided by
Antonio Cassese, said the Prosecutor's application was not formally
"The nature of protection which should be given to a
particular witness is primarily a matter for the Trial Chamber to
decide. While the Tribunal has a responsibility (...) with regard
to the protection of victims and witnesses, it has also to keep in
mind the paramount consideration that the accused is entitled to a
fair and expeditious trial," the Appeals Judges explained.
The Judges found it appropriate to point out that their
Decision does not preclude the Prosecutor from asking the Trial
Chamber for "specific protective measures" when he considers that
they are necessary for protection of witnesses or victims.
(hina) mš
152130 MET oct 96
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