THE HAGUE, Sept 30 (Hina) - The chief prosecutor of the
International Criminal Tribunal was completely independent and
would not allow her work to be influenced by political reasons, but
should be pragmatic and use the favourable political atmosphere
which would contribute to the achievement of the Tribunal's goals,
Canadian Judge Louise Arbour, successor to Richard Goldstone as
chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for crimes
committed in the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) told a press conference
in The Hague on Monday.
Louise Arbour was appointed chief prosecutor of ICTY by the
Security Council on 29 February 1996, and her office starts on
She pointed out that the main responsibility for the arrest of
persons accused of war crimes did not lay on IFOR, but on the
countries on whose territories these persons were.
(hina) ha jn
301914 MET sep 96
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