ZAGREB, Oct 14 (Hina) - Croatian Parliament House of
Representatives are to convene for a new session on Tuesday,
October 16. The agenda is to consist of 14 items.
Announcing the session at a news conference, Parliament
chairman Vlatko Pavletic said he expected reports of the State
Board of Commodity Stock and of the State Revision Office on the
work of the Croatian Radio and Television to attract most
He also cited a revision report on the work of Croatian
Forests and the "Narodne Novine" in 1994, the final Bill on wine,
amendments of the Law of Banks and Saving Banks and a Bill on
preventing money laundering (in its first reading).
The Lower House is also to discuss a suggestion of the
Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS) that a vote of confidence
should be taken in the government.
(hina) lm jn
142141 MET oct 96
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