ZAGREB, Oct 8 (Hina) - International forensic experts have begun
"processing" the bodies exhumed from the Ovcara mass grave in Serb-
held eastern Croatia, Dr Davor Strinovic of the Zagreb Institute of
Forensic Medicine said on Tuesday.
The processing of bodies includes determining the causes of
death and identification, Strinovic told a news conference in
The organization "Physicians for Human Rights" is in charge of
the process on behalf of the International Criminal Tribunal. After
they gather enough evidence for the Hague-based tribunal, they will
leave identification to Croatian experts.
The identification of a person is considered completed if his
identity is confirmed by his next of kin. The names of victims
will be released after the identification of all victims.
Data gathered by the Zagreb Institute of Forensic Medicine
since 1991 will facilitate the identification and will be compared
with the investigation's findings.
Strinovic said that documents from the Vukovar Hospital would
have been of great help to the investigation but their whereabouts
were not known.
Croatia has demanded from Yugoslav authorities to hand over
the documentation, assuming that it was taken to Belgrade by the
Yugoslav army after its occupation of Vukovar, but there has been
no response from Belgrade to date.
Strinovic said that only the British television which had
filmed the exhumation had the right to film the identification
process, but that it would give a copy of filmed material to
Croatian institutions.
A Yugoslav forensic expert arrived in Zagreb on Tuesday to
monitor the process. However, a representative from the UN-
administered area did not appear because the Croatian side insisted
that he should be an expert and the Serb side apparently could not
provide one.
(hina) vm mm
081907 MET oct 96
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