VINKOVCI, Sept 13 (Hina) - Over 7,000 Croatian displaced persons
from Serb-held eastern Croatia, expelled from their homes five
years ago when Serb-led Yugoslav forces occupied the Danube river
area, protested in Vinkovci on Friday, demanding that they be
allowed to return to their homes.
"Time is up and we have to return to our homes which are
currently under occupation," Mate Simic, president of the
Association of Displaced Persons, told a protest rally called
"Gentlemen, it's the eleventh hour, time is running out!".
Simic called on President Franjo Tudjman to lead the displaced
people to Vukovar on January 15 "as he led Croatia to Knin aboard
the Freedom Train."
The displaced people reiterated their demands that the UN
mandate be terminated on January 15 next year and that elections in
the Serb-occupied area be held by December 15 this year, in
accordance with the Local Government and Self-Goverment Act and
taking into account the 1991 population census. They opposed
general amnesty being granted to Serbs who had taken part in the
armed rebellion against Croatia.
The Association said that it was humiliating that the
exhumation of the Ovcara mass grave was being covered only by
foreign television stations and that the mothers of Croatian
soldiers who had been killed in Vukovar were not allowed to pray at
The Association also protested about the fact that the UN
transitional administration engaged people who had been members of
Serb paramilitary forces and the illegal Serb authorities to work
in its institutions.
(hina) vm jn
131625 MET sep 96
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