SARAJEVO, Oct 4 (Hina) - The Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission on Friday set November
22-24 as the date of municipal elections in Bosnia-
OSCE mission chief Robert Frowick told a news conference
in Sarajevo that the decision was supported by Bosnian Moslem,
Croat and Serb members of the Provisional Election Commission.
Only one international member of the body was against, he
Frowick said that the decision had been made "in full
knowledge that we will be engaged in a high-risk operational
The elections should be held in November because the
strength of the international presence would be substantially
downsized next year, he noted.
Frowick declined to comment on a statement by OSCE
Chairman Flavio Cotti in which he had opposed the plan to hold
the elections at such relatively short notice.
Frowick emphasized that the OSCE mission required about
US$ 8.6 million for the conduct of municipal elections.
Frowick said that a compromise solution would be sought
for the disputed Form P-2, which allowed voters in the Sept 14
general election to choose a municipality in which they would
(hina) vm
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