ZAGREB, Oct 1 (Hina) - The ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
and parliamentary opposition parties held brief informal
consultations on Tuesday ahead of a repeated vote on the Mass Media
Bill scheduled for Wednesday.
HDZ deputy Vladimir Seks told reporters that his party showed
a willingness not to insist on articles 19 and 47 of the bill which
require publishers to provide insurance for possible damage to
third parties.
After a lengthy and heated debate last week, the bill failed
to win a majority of votes of all 127 deputies, which was necessary
for passage of this law. It was agreed then that the disputed
provisions would be reconsidered before repeating the vote.
Opposition deputies demanded that the provisions be left out
of the text of the bill, arguing that the government might use high
insurance prices to supress some newspapers. They cited the
Insurance Law which explicitly banned the compulsory insurance of
During a recent visit, a Council of Europe delegation has also
voiced its opposition to compulsory insurance because it would
affect freedom of the press.
However, HDZ deputies were of the opinion that the disputable
provisions should be retained and that the bill should be passed
urgently because it was a condition for Croatia's admission to the
Council of Europe.
Seks reiterated that HDZ stuck to its view that the provisions
were in the interest of protection of both publishers and
journalists. But he added that HDZ was ready to erase the
provisions since the Croatian Journalists' Association and the
opposition parties believed that they were not in the interest of
(hina) vm jn
011719 MET oct 96
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