WASHINGTON, Sept 30 (Hina) - Croatian central bank governor Marko
Skreb, Finance Minister Bozo Prka and chairman of the Croatian
Parliament's ways and means committee, Djuro Njavro, met the World
Bank vice-president, Johannes Linn, in Washington on Monday.
The talks focused on several World Bank projects for the
reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Croatian financial sector,
the reform of the pension system and the reconstruction of the
Croatian Danubian area.
The World Bank was considering the opening of an office in
Zagreb, Skreb told reporters after the meeting.
On Sunday, the Croatian delegation met colleagues from
Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia to discuss a proposal by
the International Settlements Bank for the division of the former
Yugoslavia assets, worth US$ 600 million, among five successor
states. Representatives from Belgrade were predictably absent.
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