ZAGREB, Sept 4 (Hina) - A nine-member delegation of the Committee
of Executive Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD) arrived in Croatia on Wednesday for a
four-day visit to assess the economic and political situation in
the country and set guidelines for further cooperation.
EBRD officials were very impressed with economic indicators
in Croatia, particularly with high growth and low inflation, the
Executive Director for Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and
Croatia, Peter Bod, told reporters after talks with Croatian
Finance Minister Bozo Prka.
Stressing that EBRD was the biggest investor in Croatia, Bod
said that Croatia offered good business opportunities in tourism
and several industrial sectors. He expressed hope that other big
investors would come soon.
Prka said that the visit of the EBRD officials confirmed the
good cooperation between this international financial institution
and Croatia.
About 20 projects approved by EBRD - on environmental
protection, bank rehabilitation, financing of small and medium-
size companies, energy and infrastructure - were worth ECU 258
million or nearly USD 300 million, Prka said.
Later on the delegation visited the leading Croatian
pharmaceutical company "Pliva".
(hina) vm
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