ZAGREB, Sept 24 (Hina) - Foreign investments in Croatia in the past
three years amounted to USD 228 million. The United States,
Germany, Italy and Austria showed the greatest interest in
investing, special advisor at the U.N. Conference on Trade and
Development(UNCTAD) Branko Vukmir said on Tuesday.
"USD 86 million were invested in Croatia in 1995, USD 98
million the year before and USD 44 million in 1993", Vukmir said
presenting the UNCTAD World Investment Report '96.
For comparison, he pointed out that foreign investments in
Slovenia in the past three years amounted to USD 347 million, USD
3.5 billion in Hungary and USD 2.5 billion in the Czech Republic
and Poland.
Croatia needed investments for the infrastructure and UNCTAD's
report showed that investments in that field were increasing,
Vukmir concluded.
(hina) ha mm
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