SARAJEVO, Sept 4 (Hina) - A vehicle carrying Croatian Ambassador to
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH) Darinko Bago was attacked on Tuesday during
an election rally of the Croatian Democratic Union of BH in Muslim-
controlled Bugojno (central Bosnia).
The Croatian Embassy car was stopped in the centre of Bugojno
by a group of 30 civilians riding in two cars and a minibus without
license plates. The group were waving flags and other symbols of
the leading Bosnian-Muslim Party of Democratic Action (SDA).
Despite the fact that the Croatian car was marked properly, in
accordance with diplomatic practice and regulations on the
registration of diplomatic vehicles in BH, the attackers ripped off
and destroyed the official flag of the Republic of Croatia,
shouting "Alahu ekber".
All this happened before many Bosniak-Muslim policemen who did
not react until help was directly requested. They approached the
attackers and returned the destroyed flag.
After the incident had been reported to the NATO-led Peace
Implementation Force, soldiers of the Pakistani battalion increased
security at the election rally and afterwards ensured that
participants left Bugojno safely.
(hina) ha jn
041737 MET sep 96
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