SARAJEVO, Aug 30 (Hina) - Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic
supported the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations Between
the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
during a meeting with Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic held in
Sarajevo on Friday.
"President Izetbegovic thinks that it's a significant
contribution to peace and stability in the region and a very
important achievement for Croatia and this whole area", Granic told
Today's meeting paid particular attention to the strengthening
of the Federation as the basis of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH) according
to Dayton, Granic said, pointing out that Croatia firmly supported
Bosnian elections, which, according to him, would be held in spite
of certain reservations expressed today by Izetbegovic, in
particular regarding the registration of voters on the basis of
form P-2.
"Without elections there can be no integration, which means
questioning the whole peace process", Granic said and confirmed
that it had been agreed in principle for the Council for
Cooperation Between Croatia, BH and the Bosnian Federation to
convene in September.
Commenting on today's meeting of the Federation Forum,
presided by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State John Kornblum, Granic
said that considerable progress had been achieved in relation to
the organization of Sarajevo and that the two sides were very close
to a solution.
Croat and Bosniak representatives also continued with the
harmonization of stances regarding the reorganization of the
Investigation and Documentation Agency, which should function
within the Federation.
The Forum also discussed the tariff system.
"Even though there were no final solutions at today's Forum,
it's certain that negotiations, especially regarding Sarajevo, have
progressed", Granic concluded.
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