SARAJEVO, Aug 30 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic met
in Sarajevo on Friday with his Bosnian counterpart Jadranko Prlic
and Sarajevo Archbishop Cardinal Vinko Puljic.
They agreed that the holding of elections was equally
important for the Croatian and Moslem people in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and that they should not be delayed.
"We strongly support the holding of elections because without
them the Dayton process cannot continue and there's no doubt that
all the processes would go in the other direction," Granic told
reporters after the talks.
Granic said that he and Puljic agreed that the setup of new
municipalities would ensure the identity of all nations, including
the Croatian, and the return of refugees.
He expressed confidence that municipalities would be
established between the general and local elections, which would
further encourage the strengthening of the Federation and the
implementation of the Washington and Dayton agreements.
Stressing his concern for the survival of the Croatian
Catholic community in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Puljic said that
politicians were responsible for finding a way to achieve that
"The Church believes that the elections should be held and we
have called on the people to take part in them," Puljic said,
expressing hope that the delay of the municipal balloting would not
upset the general elections.
(hina) vm jn
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