ZAGREB, August 27 (Hina) - The Coordination for Aid in Solving
Issues of Homeland War Invalids on Tuesday held its second session.
The session was attended by representatives of the Croatian
parliament, government, the Croatian President's Office and the
Association of Homeland War Invalids, the President's Office said
in a statement.
The Coordination forwarded a request to the government
demanding a declaration in relation to the exercise of vested
rights of Homeland War soldiers and their families.
The Coordination also requested the supervision of the
implementation of those rights.
There were also requests forwarded to the Croatian Radio-TV to
make a feature dealing with the problems of Croatian soldiers and
their families under the title "The Exercise of Rights of Homeland
War Soldiers".
The Coordination's next session will take place next week, the
statement concluded.
(hina) ha jn
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