SINJ, August 11 (Hina) - Croatian Defense Minister and President
Tudjman's special representative Gojko Susak on Sunday handed the
keys of 36 new flats to the victims of war and employees of the
Croatian Army, in occasion of the holding of the "Sinjska Alka"
tournament, in the village of Bazani near Sinj, about 30 km inland
from Split.
Flats were given to 12 invalids, 13 families of killed
Croatian soldiers, 9 members of the Fourth Brigade and two
employees of the Croatian Army's Training and Education Centre.
Susak announced the building of another 40-flat building for
the necessities of those who had given the most for Croatia's
Present were, among others, officials of the Croatian
government and representatives of the Croatian Army.
(hina) ha
111254 MET aug 96
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