SARAJEVO, Aug 7 (Hina) - Bosnian Federation President Kresimir
Zubak received the head of the ICRC mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Beato Schweizer, in Sarajevo on Tuesday, the Bosnian Croat news
agency Habena said.
They discussed possible arrangements for a high-level meeting
which would address the issue of missing persons, which is one of
the prerequisites for the successful completion of the peace
process in Bosnia, Zubak's office said in a statement, carried by
Zubak today also met deputy US Ambassador to Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Michael Parmly, to discuss a US$ 450,000 loan from the
US Government for the procurement of uniforms for the Federal
police. The pair also discussed arrangements for the impending
visit of US Assistant Secretary of State, John Kornblum.
President Zubak today received the incoming IFOR commander in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Admiral Joseph Lopez. Discussed was the
realisation of the military part of the Dayton Agreement.
(hina) as
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