ANKARA, June 19 (Hina) - Croatian Defence Minister Gojko Susak
said in Ankara on Wednesday that the agreement on military
cooperation between Croatia and Turkey had more elements than any
similar agreement which Croatia had signed.
Susak said that the agreement had even more substance than
the one signed with the United States and noted that it was
signed after the lifting on the arms embargo.
The military cooperation agreement with Turkey was one of a
series of agreements that Croatia was in the process of signing
in a bid to join NATO's Partnership for Peace program, he said.
Susak said that he agreed with Turkish military officials on
the training of Bosnian Croat HVO officers in Turkey together
with officers of the Bosnian Moslem-Croat Federation Army and, if
necessary, Croatian Army officers as well.
The two sides also agreed on an exchange of ammunition and
teams of experts, he added.
Croatian Army Chief of Staff Gen. Zvonimir Cervenko said
that the agreement included technical cooperation in the
manufacture of arms and equipment.
Cervenko announced that a group of Turkish officers would
attend as observers an exercise by the Croatian Army 1st Guards
Brigade that would be conducted under a US programme.
(hina) vm
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