VINKOVCI, 6 June (Hina) - The process of demilitarization of the
Croatian Danubian area was proceeding according to the plan; 85% of
heavy weaponry had been removed from the area, deputy head of the
government Office of Temporary Administration in Eastern Slavonia,
Mirko Tankosic, told a press conference in Vinkovci today. A
standstill in the peaceful reintegration of the area into Croatia's
legal and constitutional system had occurred because of the so-
called new Serb authorities in the Croatian Danubian area, which
were invoking plan Z-4, which was unacceptable for Croatia,
Tankosic said.
'The U.N. Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia has
its mandate, but it lacks financial means, and this has caused the
standstill', Tankosic stressed. He added that the temporary
administration in the area had not managed to include a single
activity into Croatian public companies, reason for this being the
fact that the local Serbs were establishing their own companies.
(hina) rm mm
061751 MET jun 96
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