GENEVA, June 3 (Hina) - Following are highlights of "Annex to
Agreed Statement" issued in Geneva on Sunday night after a day-long
meeting of the presidents of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and
Serbia, representatives of the two Bosnian entities and
international organizations involved in the peace process in
The Annex focused on freedom of movement, media access,
administrative and confidence-building measures and Mostar.
The parties confirmed that freedom of movement was an
essential cornerstone of elections and a lasting peace in Bosnia-
They pledged to provide security for inter-entity bus service
and to cooperate with the NATO-led peace Implementation Force
(IFOR), the International Police Task Force and the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
The parties aknowledged that it was themselves who bore
primary responsibility for the security of all individuals in areas
under their authority.
They agreed that a Bosnian Federation delegation would visit
Belgrade to discuss the normalization of railway and air traffic
and cooperation in heavy industry, postal, telegraph and telephone
services and other economic areas.
The parties agreed to extend the agreement on media access
reached at Blair House by Federation authorities to include the
entire country.
They fully supported the Open Broadcast Network project and
other media support projects being coordinated through the Office
of the High Representative and the OSCE. They agreed to recognize
without conditions press credentials issued by either entity, IFOR
or OSCE.
The parties pledged to set up local election commissions in
districts determined by the OSCE and to allow all candidates and
political parties to conduct election campaigns in both entities.
The presidents of Serbia and Croatia agreed to allow unimpeded
transit to refugees who wished to vote in person and to facilitate
voting in their territory.
The parties pledged to comply with the recent agreement of
relevant ministers to recognize the validity of driving licences,
licence plates, automobile registration and automobile insurance
issued by either entity. An agreement on uniform licence plates
would be reached within three months.
The parties agreed to re-establish telephone connections
between the entities making use of all available technical
They agreed to ensure the passage and implementation of
amnesty laws which met international standards for non war crimes-
related offences.
The parties welcomed the decision of the EU administrator for
Mostar to hold municipal elections in Mostar on June 30. The
presidents of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Federation agreed
to take steps to ensure unimpeded and unharrassed crossings between
east and west Mostar.
(hina) vm jn
031415 MET jun 96
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