$ RY
ZAGREB, May 15 (Hina) - The mortal remains of Vladko Macek,
president of the Croatian Peasants' Party (HSS) before World War
II, were today interred at Zagreb's Mirogoj cemetery next to the
HSS founder, Stjepan Radic, in the presence of his widow Josipa
Macek and son Andrej Macek.
The ceremony was attended representatives of the Croatian
Parliament, President Tudjman's envoy Ivan Valent, representatives
of the HSS and members of the diplomatic corps. The last rites were
performed by Zagreb's Cardinal Archbishop Franjo Kuharic, and the
solemnity of the occasion was enhanced by the signing of a
peasants' choir.
Deputy President of the Croatian Parliament, Stjepan Radic,
said that Macek "lived the philosophy of the Croatian peasant
"There was no hatred in his life except the hatred of
violence and injustice," he said.
"Only people with firm moral principles are able to be true
to their values in complex and difficult circumstances, as he did,"
said the current HSS president Zlatko Tomcic.
(hina) as
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