ZAGREB, April 24 (Hina) - The following is the full text of an
opinion on Croatia's request for membership of the Council of
Europe adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly at a session in
Strasbourg on Wednesday:
1. Croatia applied to join the Council of Europe on 11 September
1992. By Resolution (1992) 69 of 10 December 1992, the Committee
of Ministers asked the Parliamentary Assembly to give an opinion,
in accordance with Statutory Resolution 51 (30A).
2. Special guest status with the Parliamentary Assembly was
granted to the Croatian Parliament on 4 May 1992.
3. Procedure for an opinion on Croatia's request for membership
was delayed as a result of Croatian involvement in the war in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Events in Western Slavonia and former United
Nations Sectors North and South further delayed the procedure.
4. Parliamentary elections were held in October 1995. The
Assembly's observer delegation considered them, with some
reservation, to have been free and fair.
5. Croatia has been taking part in various activities of the
Council of Europe since 1992 through its participation in
intergovernmental cooperation and assistance programmes and
through the participation of its special guest delegation in the
work of the Parliamentary Assembly and its committees.
6. Political dialogue between Croatia and the Committee of
Ministers has been established since April 1992.
7. Croatia has also acceded to several Council of Europe
conventions, including the European Cultural Convention.
8. On 15 March 1996, the President of Croatia and the President
of the Croatian Parliament signed a document stating that, in
order to fulfil the requirements for admission to the Council of
Europe, Croatia was formally undertaking the following
(i) to sign the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) at
the moment of accession;
(ii) to ratify the ECHR and Protocol Nos. 1,2,4,7 and 11 within
a year from the time of accession;
(iii) to recognize, pending the entry into force of Protocol
No. 11, the right of individual application to the European
Commission of Human Rights and the compulsory jurisdiction of the
European Court of Human Rights (Articles 25 and 46 of the
(iv) to sign within one year and ratify within three years from
the time of accession Protocol No. 6 of the ECHR on the abolition
of the death penalty in time of peace;
(v) to sign and ratify within a year from the time of accession
the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman
and Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
(vi) to sign and ratify within a year from the time of
accession the European Framework Convention for the Protocol of
National Minorities, the European Charter on Local Self-
Government, and the Charter for Regional and Minority Languages;
to conduct its policy towards minorities on the principles set
forth in Assembly Recommendation 1201 (1993), and to incorporate
three principles into the legal and administrative system and
practice of the country;
(vii) to implement the recommendations resulting from the
opinion of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the
"Venice Commission") on the constitutional law on human rights
and the freedoms and rights of national and ethnic communities
and minorities and human rights protection mechanisms;
(viii) to take all necessary measures, including adequate
police protection, to guarantee the safety and human rights of
the Serb population in Croatia, in particular in the former UN
Protected Areas, to facilitate the return of people who left
those areas and to allow them, through a specific procedure
established by law, effectively to exercise their rights to
recover their property or receive compensation;
(ix) to study, with a view to ratification, the Council of
Europe's Social Charter, and meanwhile to conduct its policy in
accordance with the principles contained therein;
(x) to sign and ratify and meanwhile apply the basic principles
of other Council of Europe conventions - notably those on
extradition, on mutual assistance in criminal matters, on the
transfer of sentenced persons, and on the laundering, search,
seizure and confiscation of proceeds from crime;
(xi) to settle international as well as internal disputes by
peaceful means;
(xii) to comply strictly with its obligations under the Basic
Agreement on the Region of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western
Sirmium, and to cooperate fully with the United Nations
Transitional Administration for this region (UNTAES);
(xiii) to cooperate fully and effectively in the implementation
of the Dayton/Paris Agreements for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
(xiv) to cooperate with, and actively assist, the Prosecutor of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, in
bringing before the tribunal without delay persons indicted for
war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide;
(xv) to settle outstanding international border disputes
according to the principles of international law;
(xvi) to implement the recommendations of Council of Europe
experts on legislation relating to the media, such as the law on
public information, the law on telecommunications and the law on
protection of competition;
(xvii) to continue with the procedure of electing a mayor of
Zagreb in accordance with the constitution and the laws of the
Republic of Croatia and taking into account the recommendations
of the Council of Europe;
(xviii) to puruse reforms with a view to bringing all
legislation and practice in line with Council of Europe
principles and standards;
(xix) to comply, well before the next elections, with the
recommendations made by the election observers of the Council of
Europe and other international organizations, in particular with
regard to the special voting block for the diaspora, minority
representation, voter registration lists, voter anonomity, as
well as the need to increase the independence of the state
broadcasting corporation (HRT) and to undertake a census of the
population as soon as possible;
(xx) to sign and ratify within a year from the time of
accession the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities and
its additional protocols;
(xxi) to cooperate fully in the implementation of Assembly
Order No. 508 (1995) on the honouring of obligations and
commitments by member states of the Council of Europe, as well as
in the monitoring process established by virtue of the Committee
of Ministers' declaration of 10 November 1994 (95th session).
9. Furthermore, the Assembly welcomes the provisional agreement
on the establishment of an OSCE mission in Croatia.
10. The Assembly also expects Croatia to undertake to observe
strictly the provisions of international humanitarian law,
including in the event of armed conflict within its territory.
11. The Assembly also expects Croatia to undertake to cooperate
with the international humanitarian organizations and to take all
necessary steps to solve the remaining humanitarian problems in
the wake of the recent conflicts, notably in connection with
prisoners and missing persons.
12. The Assembly further expects Croatia:
(i) to ensure that the application of the law on the High
Judiciary Council respects Council of Europe standards;
(ii) to guarantee effectively the rights and freedoms of
national and ethnic minorities in compliance with the commitments
undertaken by the Croatian authorities;
(iii) to guarantee effectively freedom of the media in
compliance with the commitments undertaken bz the Croatian
(iv) to grant, without delay, a general amnesty for all former
combatants, not suspected of war crimes, in order to encourage
the return of Croatian Serbs;
(v) to actively assist the OSCE mission in its work;
(vi) to consult the Council of Europe experts on the revision
bill of the Local Administration and Autonomy Act sufficiently in
advance of its second reading in Parliament;
13. The Assembly further expects Croatia to solve, in accordance
with the standards and principles of the Council of Europe, the
problems related to the confiscation of property during the
fascist and communist regimes.
14. On the basis of these commitments and expectations the
Assembly believes that Croatia, in the sense of Article 4 of the
Statute of the Council of Europe, is clearly able and willing to
fulfil the provisions for memership to the Council of Europe as
set forth in Article 3: "Every member of the Council must accept
the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all
persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and collaborate sincerely and effectively in the
realization of the aim of the Council..."
15. With a view to ensuring respect for these commitments, the
Assembly resolves to monitor closely, and with immediate effect
from the day of accession, the situation in Croatia according to
its procedure under Order No. 508 (1995).
16. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers, on
the basis of the commitments set out above,
(i) invite Croatia to become a member of the Council of Europe;
(ii) allocate five seats to Croatia in the Parliamentary
(hina) vm
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