GENEVA, March 18 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman
arrived in Geneva on Monday morning for talks on stimulating the
implementation of the US-sponsored Dayton peace agreement in
Upon arrival, Tudjman met the US Assistant Secretary of
State for European and Canadian affairs, John Kornblum.
The Geneva meeting, involving Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic and Bosnian Presidency member Ejup Ganic, had been
convened by the United States to maintain the dynamics of the
peace process in the region and its leading role in it.
According to diplomatic sources, the talks would focus on
efforts to strengthen the Croat-Moslem federation in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, the administrative setup of Sarajevo and cantons,
transformation of the Croat Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia and return
of refugees.
A joint statement on the Federation had been drafted and was
expected to be adopted.
The Croatian delegation would also discuss the process of
normalization of relations with the Yugoslav federation of Serbia
and Montenegro.
Tudjman, together with Milosevic and Ganic, would attend a
working lunch given by US Secretary of State Warren Christopher,
after which the talks would continue at the US mission to the
United Nations.
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181218 MET mar 96
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