ZAGREB, March 15 (Hina) - The House of Representatives today
supported a Constitutional Bill on Cooperation with the
International Criminal Court in the first reading. For a
Constitutional Bill to be enacted (in the third reading) a two--
thirds majority is needed.
The House also passed a law on maternity leave which gives
self-employed and unemployed mothers equal rights to maternity
leave as employed mothers.
Development Minister Jure Radic announced that the Government
would elaborate a package of measures and incentives for increasing
the birth rate.
The House unanimously adopted the Reconstruction Act, which
provides for the reconstruction of war-damaged areas, the return of
refugees and stimulate economic and social life in these areas.
Under the new Act, reconstruction will be mainly financed from
the national budget. Instead of credits, returnees will be granted
appropriate sums which will allow them to rebuild their homes and
do some minimal interior refurbishing.
The House unanimously approved the Government's proposal that
a package of penal laws be tabled for the third reading. According
to Justice Minister Miroslav Separovic, the package (which includes
the Basic Penal Code, the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure
Act) needed in-depth revision in order to clarify certain doubts.
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151933 MET mar 96
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