ZAGREB, March 4 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman on
Saturday named the Minister of Urban Planning, Construction and
Housing, Marina Matulovic-Dropulic, as mayor of Zagreb and head
of Zagreb County, a presidential adviser said on Monday.
Dropulic would assume office on March 11, Presidential
Internal Policy Adviser Ivic Pasalic told a press conference in
He said that the President believed that Dropulic was "a
competent person who is very well acquainted with the City of
Zagreb and all of its problems, which is a guarantee that the
Zagreb city and county executive authorities will funcition in
the best possible way."
Asked whether he expected the opposition parties to accept
the President's decision, Pasalic said he believed that the
normal functioning of the city and resolving of all of its
problems was also in the interest of the opposition parties.
(hina) vm
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