SARAJEVO, 3 March (Hina) - The indictment against the Serb General
Djordje Djukic by The Hague War Crimes Tribunal has not interrupted
cooperation with the commanders of the Bosnian Serb army, IFOR
spokesman Simon Haselock told reporters in Sarajevo on Sunday. In
the last two days all scheduled meetings between NATO and Serb
representatives had taken place, he added, and there were no sings
of any halt of mutual contacts.
Major Haselock could not corroborate yesterday's statement by
a NATO official in BiH who stated that Serb General Tolimir
announced his assistants would no longer participate in meetings
held on the Serb entity for fear of being apprehended and delivered
to The Hague Tribunal.
IFOR could only confirm a local Bosnian Serb commander saying
he would not cooperate with IFOR in protest against Djukic's
(hina) jt
031333 MET mar 96
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