ORASJE, Feb 29 (Hina) - The high representative of the
international community for civilian aspects of the Dayton peace
agreement, Carl Bildt, on Thursday visited three newly-
established municipalities in the Brcko area of northeastern
Bildt told reporters that the purpose of his visit was to
get acquainted with problems related to arbitration for the Sava
river town of Brcko and to hear views of the authorities of the
three municipalities on the implementation of the peace
He conducted separate talks with Mijo Anic of Ravne
municipality, Munib Jusufovic of Brcko muncipality and Miodrag
Pajic of the Serb-held part of Brcko municipality.
Bildt said that the area required a lot of cooperation
between the two entities of Bosnia-Herzegovina - the Croat-Moslem
federation and the "Serb Republic".
Speaking of arbitration for Brcko, he said that the
arbitration commission would consist of three members - one each
from the federation, the Serb entity and the international
community - who would try to find a joint solution.
The arbitration process would begin in June and the matter
would have to be resolved by the end of this year, Bildt said,
recalling that both entities had agreed to international
The solution would be based on principles of the
international peace plan and the arbitration process would be in
line with international law, he said.
(hina) vm
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