( Editorial: --> 6886 )
BELI MANASTIR, Oct 8 (Hina) - The Municipal Council of Beli Manastir
elected a new 13-member mayor's office on Thursday.
The new mayor's office consists of seven members of the Serbian
Democratic Party of Baranja (SBDS), five members of the Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) and one representative of the Hungarian
The tasks faced by the new mayor's office include continued
reconstruction of infrastructure, the implementation of the return
programme and downsizing of the town administration and
institutions, Mayor Simo Stupar said.
Stupar added that he requested the establishment of new executive
authorities following his election as mayor on August 28 this
According to a proposal by Deputy Mayor Zoran Ognjenovic (SBDS),
today's session also relieved some members of the governing board
of a local public utility company and the town university of their
(hina) rml/mr
081918 MET oct 98
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