( Editorial: --> 5719 )
SPLIT, Oct 4 (Hina) - Ahead of Pope John Paul's departure from
Croatia, President Tudjman gave a speech on Sunday, bidding
farewell to the Holy Father:
Holy Father,
In taking leave from you at the end of your visit to Croatia, let me
thank you for having visited our homeland as the Vicar of Christ and
in the Year of the Holy Spirit, and for having brought the Croatian
people new messages of hope and forgiveness, peace and community.
You have reinforced us in faith, convinced us that we can look with
pride to our achievements and build our future with confidence.
Along with your prayers and the blessing of the Almighty, your
messages will be a bright sign-post in the construction of a healthy
society in our free, independent, democratic, and sovereign
Your elevation of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, martyr and patriot,
to the honour of the Altar of the Blessed at the magnificent mass at
Marija Bistrica, is the expression of God's love and tribute to his
person, but also to the Croatian people, a reward for everything the
Croatian people endured together with him in the communist
History has passed judgement in his favour, and this is why this
beatification is a stimulus to steadily pursue our road of
safeguarding free Croatia in the community of all Croats with the
Roman Vicar of Christ.
The vital vocation of Stepinac has thus been fulfilled to the glory
of God and to the benefit of Croatia, and it will eternally give the
Croatian people the strength to withstand even the most severe
Holy Father,
Let me in particular thank you for your words of encouragement and
for the messages addressed to the Croatian youth in order to
enlighten them with faith and with the guidance of love so that they
can avoid the dangers of ephemeral pleasures and vices of
civilisational decadence, causing their own suffering, the
suffering of their parents and of society as a whole.
During the three short days of your visit which will forever be
recorded in the history of the relations between Croatia and the
Holy See, the Croatian people from all the parts of our homeland and
from abroad, including numerous Croats from Bosnia and
Herzegovina, have demonstrated to you, Holy Father, their deep love
and genuine respect.
In Zagreb, Marija Bistrica, Split and Solin you had the opportunity
to convince yourself of the profoundly sincere and friendly
feelings, of the trust in your person and in the Catholic Church.
The love professed to you, Holy Father, commits and inspires the
State and political leadership, and me personally, to new impulses
in the development and maintenance of the already excellent
relations with the Holy See and the Church in Croatia, in order to
build a Croatian social life based on the principles of Christian
Your messages pronounced at the Holy Mass at Marija Bistrica and in
Split stimulate everybody to a responsible understanding of life,
and are a preparation for the great Jubilee, two thousand years of
This century has given us two global wars and many local and
imperialistic wars, exclusive and dangerous nationalistic but also
anationalistic and atheist ideologies, immoral manifestations and
vices which endanger even the Christian civilisation, new weapons
of mass destruction, hunger, poverty and inequality, and threats to
the environment. At the same time the world has been enriched by new
scientific discoveries and new technologies which can advance
humankind, but also jeopardise it. Throughout history Catholicism
has always introduced hope into improvement, promoted progress,
and advocated the rights and respect of the individual as a person
and of peoples as essential components of the human community.
We are convinced that the Holy See, the supreme moral authority of
the present-day world, will continue to serve, with its far-
reaching and reasonable policy, as a true sign-post in the building
of future relations in international life.
Holy Father,
During your pontificate you have been a witness and an active factor
of past changes. Karol Woytila, Pope John Paul II, will remain
recorded in history in golden letters, as man and Vicar of Christ
who has contributed the most to the efforts for peace and the
welfare of humankind.
In the most crucial moments you wholeheartedly supported the Croats
in the achievement of their century-long goal.
This is why Christian, free and democratic Croatia once again
greets you today as a global and ecclesiastical dignitary, dear
guest and friend, who has reinforced in our people the faith, pride
and trust in the future by elevating Cardinal and martyr Stepinac to
the Altar of the Blessed.
Holy Father,
Our prayers are addressed to the Almighty, that he may grant many
more years at the helm of the Catholic Church, to the benefit of all
people, and to the glory of God and peace-loving peoples.
Thank you in my own name and on behalf of the entire Croatian
(The above is an unofficial translation)
(hina) lml jn
042146 MET oct 98
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